Onboard Salty Pictures
Oswego, NY
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In August of 1999 the M/V IRA was delivering a load of Aluminum Ingots to Oswego, NY for use at the ALCAN processing plant in Oswego (Thanks 1000 Islander for correction!). While tied up at the Port Authority Piers, my friend's father asked if I would be interested in going aboard for a small tour; my response.....You guessed it! Hell Yeah!!!

We were taken around by the radioman for about 45 minutes throughout the boat, then allowed to take some photos on our own! The ships officers were Russian, while the unlicensed crew were for the most part Filipino - all of whom spoke very good English. We discovered that the boat was supposed to go to Toledo first, however was carrying too much of a draft for that harbor so stopped in Oswego first. After much video making and photos, it was time to leave the ship, only to see her transit the Welland Canal a few days later!

It may take a few minutes to load all the pictures, but please be patient! The pictures are thumbnails - so click on them for full screen shots! Also, check out the second page for even more of the IRA...Happy Boatwatching!

Here's a picture of the IRA from the bow, as we approach her to board while tied up at the Port Authority Pier.

A view of the bridge - the control center of the vessel. All navigation occurs here - Note the lack of instrumentation as compared with the newer vessels on the lakes!

Here we can see the vessel's superstructure from the deck around the second hatch. This was taken just after coming up the gangplank which was behind me.

A view of the cranes aboard IRA for lifting the Aluminum ingots in this case. Also note the open holds with telescoping accordion like hatches. Picture was taken in front of the bridge area.

View from platform inside rear most hold. Seen are Aluminum Ingots weighing about 770 KG each. Notice the stacking with wood slats between and small forklift in hold.

Peering from the deck into one of the holds still loaded with aluminum. Looked like that first step in would be a BIG ONE!

Spare Main Propellor on the top stern deck. If a vessel has prop trouble at sea, this would be used as a replacement if needed. Compare the size of the prop with objects around it...IT WAS HUGE!!!!!!

Continue onto more onboard pictures from the IRA on the page labeled "Onboard Salty Photos #2".