Ships On Lake Ontario
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Lake Ontario is the first Great Lake that the ships coming into the Seaway System encounter. It is bordered by New York State and the Province of Ontario in Canada.
Some important ports of call on this lake are: Toronto, Hamilton, Rochester, and Oswego, which happens to be the beginning of the New York State Barge Canal System.
Lake Ontario begins at Port Weller, ON on The Welland Canal and empties into the St. Lawrence River at Tibbetts Point, NY (See Lighthouse Page).

Port of Oswego, NY
Registry: Liberia

Here we see the M/V ATLANTIS SPIRIT unloading Aluminum ingots from St. Petersburg, Russia at the Port Authority docks in Oswego, NY. This photo was taken from across the Oswego River at The H. Lee White Marine Mueseum in August, 2000.
(C) Thomas Moriarty 2000
Port of Oswego, NY
Registry: USA

The R/V Kiyi is shown here during a stop in Oswego, NY enroute to a Lake Superior port on her delivery voyage from Pensacola, FL. The Kiyi is a R/V for the USGS, and had just been built. She has 1 crane and two winches, and is about 103 feet long. On a solemn note, the day before this picture was taken a crew member had fallen overboard unnoticed at night and subsequently drowned. Photo taken in front of Best Western Hotel in Oswego on the Oswego River in the Summer of 1999. (C) Thomas Moriarty 1999
H. Lee White Mueseum
Oswego, NY

Shown is a lifeboat donated to the H. Lee White Marine Mueseum by Essroc Cement Co. from the Cement Carrier STEPHEN B. ROMAN, a frequent visitor to the docks in Oswego, NY. Photo taken at H. Lee White Mueseum in July 2000. (C) Thomas Moriarty 2000
In Dry Dock
Port of Oswego, NY
Registry: USA

The USACE Work Boat PALMETTO is seen here in Dry Dock at the Port of Oswego, NY on Lake Ontario. Notice the USACE tug KOZIOL in the background. The USACE was rebuilding and reinforcing the shoreline retaining structures in the area during the summer of 2000, when this picture was taken in July, 2000. (C) Thomas Moriarty 2000.
Port of Oswego, NY
Registry: USA

The SATURN is shown tied up in this picture at the Port Authority Pier at Oswego, NY waiting for space at the Sprague Energy Terminal in June of 2000. The SATURN is a frequent visitor to Oswego, and can usually be seen on an almost weekly basis. (C) Thomas Moriarty 2000.

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