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Welcome To Seaway Ships USA!
Welcome! Start your watch on our web page dedicated to Great Lakes Shipping, and lighthouses!
A few years ago I refreshed my hobby of boatwatching when my family had bought a camp on the St. Lawrence River; just up from where Lake Ontario enters it. I remembered the days of watching the big freighters ply the waters of the lakes, and decided to once again follow them and their journeys. Soon, I was seeing ships from all over the world, along with the USA and Canada - most delivering an assortment of goods deep into the US and Canada. It was this amazement; that right in our own backyard, we were seeing boats that had come half ways around the world, and a new "boatnerd" as we like to be called was reincarnated!
On this site you will find pictures, stories and items for sale, along with a few surprises, of many of the ships on the Great Lakes today. Keep checking back as new material will constantly be put online! All of the pictures pretty much are thumnailed so click them for a larger image! ALL information and images are copyrighted to me (Thomas Moriarty), and are not to be used in any way without my written permission.
Enjoy the site, and Happy Boatwatching to all!

Site Updates:

Here is a brief history of the creation of our page. Please bear with us as we are new to this, and are boatnerds first and computer folk last!
The site will be updated on a regular basis, and we will inform you here.

11/29/00   The site was created for all to enjoy.

04/17/01 After a long winter, we have sworn to reopen our work so that all may enjoy "our" boats!
M/V Canadian Navigator
The M/V Canadian Navigator upbound at the Welland Canal, summer 2000. The boat had just cleared Lock #1 and was heading to Lock #2 in this picture. Copyright: T. Moriarty 2000

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