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***Username is ALGOMAMARINE@AOL.COM - Listed until gone!***

Much like photos, Video is a great media for catching these magnificent boats!

Here I present footage from the 1000 Islands to The Upper Lakes, and every point in between, the majority of which is from The Welland Canal, Lake Ontario Ports, and St. Lawrence River.

These videos include everything from loading, and unloading to just cruising by, and even some onbaord footage all with the sounds of the boats, and the radio traffic that they generate!

ALL tapes are 2 hours long, and are in VHS format, most taken from DIGITAL masters! Many people I have sold these to in the past LOVE them, and of course references are available - Watch the boats from your armchair! They also make winter a lot less boring when you can see ships year 'round!

Remember: First time orderers get 10% off merchandise total (NOT shipping though).

Welland Canal Ships in Action #1: This 2 hour VHS Tape has scanner traffic, ship sounds and salutes from the boats. It contains the following boats: Irma, St. Mary's Cement II & Tug, CanadianNavigator, Helena Oldendorff, Pomorze Zachodnie, Alice A, Sault Au Cochon, Algoport, John B. Aird, Fort Henry Pilot house and Bow (a video tour, inside and out),Marilis T, Marilis T and John B. Aird Passing, ALgosoo, Vac, JW Cooper, Alice A coming into Shell Oil dock for fuel, CCGS Limnos - tied up & shows all equipment onboard and on decks, Pilot Boat, Blue Moon, Gordon C. Leitch, Everlast, Algowest, Tarantau and other hulls in Port Colborne, Port Colborne Entry Light, Algoport, Windoc, Rt. Honorable Paul J. Martin, Rt. Hon. Paul J. Martin passing Algoport, Federal Polaris, Algosar, Manitoulin, English River in New Cream color (2nd voyage), Munksund, Munksund passing Manitoulin, Kapitonas Domeika, Kapitonas Domeika passing Tarantau, Le Levent, Lok Maheshkari, Jean Parisien. Price:US + Postage

Welland Canal Ships in Action #2:
This 2 hour tape contains vessels on the Welland Canal; and provides a very detailed examination of the boats showing everything in great detail bow to stern, along with locking procedures & devices, and crew changes. A must have for those who like high detail, or the model-builder. Contains Scanner Traffic, Detailed video coverage, salutes, and ship sounds. The boats included in this video are: Federal St. Laurent, Pany R, James Norris, Mantadoc (Day & Night Footage), Alam Sejathera - unloading sand by clamshell bucket at dusk, and underway in the canal as well, Capetan Michalis, Colinette, Canadian Century, Nomadic Patria, HM Griffith, ML Jet, Canadian Trader, and Algobay. Price: US + Postage.

Seaway Ships in Action #1:
This 2 hour VHS tape shows boats at work loading, unloading and cruising in different areas of the Seaway System. Included are the St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario Ports, and the Welland Canal, including PWDD. Once again, many vessels are literally an arm's reach away as you enjoy this tape! The vessels included are: Algoville, Louis R. Desmaires, Fossnes, Hellenic Confidence, Canadian Century, Quebecois, Lambda - unloading ~770 kg Aluminum ingots - up close and personal fromt he boat to the storage area, Saturn, USACE Koziol, Horne's Ferry, Pintail with Pilot Change over, Cape Vincent pilot boat, Great Lakes Trader and VanDeKort Tug (in her notch), along with 3 or 4 delivery tugs on her delivery voyage into the seaway (one of a kind footage!), Montrealis, Algoville, PWDD (James E. McGrath, Canadian Provider, CSL hull laying area - both from across the canal and inside PWDD itself!), Algocen, Menominee, Loading and Unlaoding Equipment, Silos, and Salt Piles at Port Of Oswego, NY, Oswego Harbor Lighthouse, Crane derrick and Barge - working, LT-5 (The Nash) - last remaining vessel from Normandy invasion - tied up, Appalachee and onboard equipment - tied up, Kaho, Kelly Ann and barge, Kiyi and Onboard equipment - on delivery voyage from Florida to lake Superior - Tied Up, Capt. Alix and onboard equipment and deck, S.C. Loveland Co. Barge, Fishing Scow, English River (old colors) unloading - shows process, Atlantis Spirit unloading Alunminum ingots - whole process. Stephen B. Roman - unloading cement - whole process, Oswego Lighthouse. Price= US + Postage.

More Lists are coming REAL Soon-If interested, email and I can send you lists for right now, but have been very busy at my "real job"!

Counting The Boatnerds!