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Onboard Salty Photos 2

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Who We Are & What We Do!
Boatnerd - One who follows Great Lakes Boats.
OK! That's the "PC" definition, but what we as boatnerds do is: Get up at 3 AM to drive to the Welland Canal in driving rain or snow, stand out in the same for hours, just to catch a glimpse of an elusive boat going by! Some say we're crazy, others...Nuts, but we have a passion for these huge ships that bring goods into the Great Lakes from all over the world!
This site focuses primarily on The St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario, and The Welland Canal portion of the Great Lakes System. The other lakes are as follows: Lake Erie, Lake Huron, Lake Michigan, and Lake Superior.
We provide not only the service of showing pictures of our beloved boats; but also sell items ranging from the photos themselves, to videos, clothing, and even actual items off of ships! Please see our "For Sale" page for a listing of those items and prices.

How We Came To Be!
Many, many years ago, our family would take trips to places on the Seaway; such as The St. Lawrence River, Lake Ontario, and The Welland Canal. As a child I would marvel at the sheer size and elegance of the HUGE ships I would see in these places. As I grew up my intrest faded as many of life's tasks became more important; UNTIL that one faithful day when our family bought a camp on the St. Lawrence River in Cape Vincent, NY...right where Lake Ontario emptied into it.
I started to see those magnificent ships once again, and the "monster" in me was reborn! I started to go to all sorts of places when I heard a ship was going to be there. Rain, snow, sleet, even darkness couldn't stop me, but I was missing one thing - an internet site to really watch and network with others that had this obsession. Then, I found www.boatnerd.com (see my links page), what a releif that I wasn't alone! I started to build this page to share not only my experiences, but also the photographs that I have taken as well with all people!
I have stood in rain, sleet, snow, high winds, and in the dark to catch a glimpse of some very elusive boats - just to get a picture or video clip of them - and it has been all worth it! If you should happen to see a guy with 2 or 3 cameras and a video camera, stop by and say "Hi" - it's probably me! If you have any questions or comments, be sure to email us at: SeawayshipsUSA@aol.com. Please look around, sign the guestbook, and enjoy yourself!

Just A Counter For The Old Ego!

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